Investment Management  Process

We scour the investment universe, which includes open-end, closed-end, and exchange-traded funds, to find the vehicles that will best execute our investment strategy. We base our security selection on fund holdings, manager track record and fees.

We keep our investment universe as broad as possible and our decision process disciplined to ensure that we choose the optimum vehicles for our clients. The only compensation we receive is from our clients. If our clients win, we win.

Client Investment Planning

Miller evaluates each client’s investment objectives and risk tolerance to establish specific investment guidelines. We strive to take into account the client’s total portfolio, not just the assets we manage.

Strategic Asset Allocation

The ISC and PMC combine a top-down macro framework with a rigorous analysis of sectors, industries and geographies. Investment opportunities are identified across a wide range of asset classes and global markets.

Portfolio Construction

Miller carefully constructs portfolios utilizing the most appropriate investment vehicles to best take advantage of current opportunities. While all portfolios are based on our strategic asset allocation, Miller adheres to each client’s individual investment objectives and constraints. Clients may impose restrictions on the types of asset classes and investment vehicles to be invested in as well as to the environmental, social and governance related characteristics of their investments.

Portfolio Monitoring

We continuously monitor market and economic conditions and adjust portfolios to capitalize on new opportunities or to avoid undue risk. Any changes in underlying funds are investigated to ensure that the investment still meets its strategic goal and client objectives.